Let your curiosity fly high.
April 18, 2022

My Forever Growing Friendship with Garrison

My Forever Growing Friendship with Garrison

In this episode, I am doing a continuation on the topic of friendship; in the previous episode, I spoke with my longest known friend Eden. In this episode, I am talking with my closest friend Garrison Copeland. All friendships are essential, with each different playing role in our lives. The significant difference with this friendship is the face-to-face time invested. Garrison and I went from elementary school through college, lived, traveled around the United States, fought with each other, and continue to grow our friendship each day even though now we live in different states. We share fun stories, moments of change, good and bad, throughout the episode, and how we adapted and grew because of our differences. There is a lot to take away from this episode about how friendships grow through thick and thin. 

If you have any questions or comments for me, I can be found at:



